We talk about Bella Desgagnés in the media!

The Toronto Star : Canada’s most unusual cruise
Canada’s most unusual cruise by Tim Johnson
… « Pausing for a moment to admire the well-choregraphed off-loading of cargo – the crane built into the side of the ship swinging big, blue containers onto the dock, some of them filled with cars, or building materials, or ice cream, or pretty much anything – the hard-hatted crew works like clockwork, guiding everything into its perfect place. »
Adventure.com : Cargo cruising deep into Canada’s French First Nations territory
Cargo cruising deep into Canada’s French First Nations Territory by Tim Johnson
… « From the first moment, this process fascinates me. Even before we cast lines in Rimouski, I stand on the dock and watch the crane operator, way up there, fitting everything together like a massive game of Tetris. And sailing into each tiny community feels like a mission – delivering the needed goods, just in time. »

O.Canada.com : 10 things to love on a cargo cruise through northern Quebec
10 things to love on a cargo cruise through northern Quebec by Jennifer Bain
… « I loved the Bella’s informality. She’s the antidote to those commercial cruises that hold thousands of people determined to whoop it up. I especially love how nobody makes announcements on the Bella. To find out what’s going on, you head downstairs and ask to look a the erasable board by the door for a message when we will arrive – and leave- at the next port. This is where we stand around at every port waiting for the gangway to be set up so we can get off safely. It’s always fascinating to watch, and a little sad when you take your final trip down the gangway at the end of this fabulously unusual cruise. »
Good times.ca : A unique trip of many possibilities and discoveries
A unique trip of many possibilities and discoveries by Cindy Nadeau
… « Relais Nordik operates the cargo-passenger ship carrying both local passengers and tourists to coastal villages that are inaccessible by road. This unforgettable immersion into the lives of the Lower North Shore residents pleases adventurers in search of something different. In addition to ensuring the transport of goods and provisions for the local population, the Bella Desagnés offers its passengers a cruise that is out of the ordinary. »